Mother Nature smiles and cracks a new days dawn 
Most people on the earth are sleeping comfortably and warm 
Out in the fields and pastures, it’s another new day too 
One without the war and hatred that is known by me and you 
A shriek disturbs the peacefulness; the cat’s just killed a mouse 
The mother says with feeling as she looks out from the house 
It’s breakfast time, the clock strikes nine,ham,bacon,one egg or two? 
What a shame about that mouse, what’s for tea tonight, lamb stew? 

Well, there’s things to do, so the family divides in separate ways 
Father works to earn the keep, he’s a butcher and well paid 
The daughters go to riding school mother washes up the crap 
One son plays with soldiers; the other aggravates the cat 
Back out in the fields, a different story’s taking place 
Foxes cower with their cubs to escape the human race 
Rabbits run for life, deer take cover in the trees 
The mother sighs with disbelief, then prepares the meat 

 Think what you’re doing the systems set to ruin 
 The life not the profit we’ve got to fucking stop it 

Because before too long there will nothing left alive 
Not a creature on the land or sea, a bird in the sky 
They’ll be shot, harpooned, eaten and hunted too much 
Vivisected by the clever men who prove that there’s no such 
Thing as a fair world with live and let live 
The royal family go hunting what an example to give 
To the people they lead and that don’t include me 
I've seen enough pain and torture of those who can’t speak 
So I'm gonna speak for them in an all out attack 
And if someone tries to whip me, then I will fucking whip them back 
Because I have had enough of this madness in those theatres of hell 
Enough of them hounding the fox to the kill 
Of baby seals being clubbed, their mothers cut up 
They satisfy their greed, their wealth’s built on blood 
Of their slaughterhouse haunting the back of the mind 
The gas chamber of the farm life, the end of the line 

 It’s a shame about that mouse!